
29 April 2014

#TGPNPC Least Expensive: Day 11 of the Neverending Pile Challenge

Hi fellow lacqueraders,

I was spoilt for choice for this challenge. And decided to use up four insanely cheap polishes to get them out of my way. 

Etude 114 (jade green creme), Etude 137 (metallic purple), Insight 231 Bold Blue (dark blue creme), Insight 254 Dream star (shimmery gold-green).
  These are Etude 114 (jade green creme), Etude 137 (metallic purple), Insight 231 Bold Blue (dark blue creme), Insight 254 Dream Star (shimmery gold-green). I got the Etudes and shimmery green Insight for Rs 25 ($0.41). I bought Insight Bold Blue for Rs 35 ($0.58). I think they might contain 7 ml polish. I don't know which polish can be cheaper than this! 
Etude 114 (jade green creme), Etude 137 (metallic purple), Insight 231 Bold Blue (dark blue creme), Insight 254 Dream star (shimmery gold-green).
I put down a base coat of the green creme, and swiped a stripe of the shimmery green in the middle of each finger. I put down a strip of blue on each side of the shimmery green. And then, striped the metallic purple on each side of the blue.
While it sounds complicated, the polishes dried fast and I was done with the manicure in 2 minutes. All I needed was a nail art brush. I used one from a nail art pen. 
Etude 114 (jade green creme), Etude 137 (metallic purple), Insight 231 Bold Blue (dark blue creme), Insight 254 Dream star (shimmery gold-green).
 This is the first time I used stripes in a manicure. I found this to be quite an interesting look. What about you? Leave a comment below.
Check out the other participants here...

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