
24 April 2014

#TGPNPC Indie: Day 6 of Nevending Pile Challenge

Hi lovelies,

For day 6 of Neverending Pile Challenge, I present one of my two most favourite indie shops. I love polishes from K B Shimmer and Different Dimension. While you have seen a lot of DDs on my blog, KBS is still a hidden gem. So rectifying the issue, I bring to you the aptly named  I Got A Crush On Blue by KBS.

NPC Indie: KBS I Got a Crush on Blue
This is how the website describes the polish: A royal blue jelly, this polish was born to add sparkle and shine to your nails. Holographic glitters ranging from micro to extra large in size capture the light  to reflect a rainbow of colours. When applied in three thin layers, the  glitters seem to float in a sea of blue jelly, something that camera has a hard time capturing. This polish also looks stunning when layered over black or navy  blue.
K B Shimmer I Got a Crush on Blue
I layered it over Colorbar Pro Phantom, a deep, dark, shimmery blue. I swear, I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried but I just could not capture the glory of this gorgeous KBS polish.
I wish I could have captured its holo-iness. As with most glitter polishes, I kept the bottle upside down to get to the large hexes. The polish was a bit thick as is usually the case with glitter bases. But application was trouble-free.

Check out the other participants at: