
25 November 2012

Floating on Floam

Hi lacqueraders,

Do you ever get tired of a colour? I do. Red is my nemesis. Except for Barielle's Elle Spell which I sported here, there has never been a red I could stand for more than two days. And even that is a feat. I usually want to take it off as soon as I put it on *shrugs*.
I love the blue-green combination. Therefore, it was a surprise for me when I could not figure out what the hype about Floam was all about. I got Sticks and Stones from Ninja Polish and added Floam to the basket just to see why bloggers were going so gaga about it. Well, now I know... and how. Be ready to be picture-bombed!

Isn't this a beauty?! This polish was first frankened by Amy from the blog I'm Feeling Nail-Venturous. But Ninja Polish started producing it later with her permission.

 It has matte green and neon blue glitter with a smattering of yellow, too, in a clear base. The polish is thick, but it dries fast and hard. This one did not chip even after I sported it for over eight days! Do wait in between coats to avoid bald spots.

Since this polish has been around for some time now, I learnt that it was very hard to get off. So I layered it over my blue peel-off polish. This polish can be used as a layer polish with one coat or lend full coverage with three coats.

The finish is slightly gritty. The matte glitters do not shine. But I loved the way it looked and did not topcoat it. Also, like with all glitters, this one cannot be wrapped around the nails either. But that should not be a problem with this beauty's amazing staying power!

This is such a striking polish, everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone, will take notice. It has a very tropical feel. The photos do not do justice to its neon-iness. It will definitely grab eyeballs and compliments! 
Here's a macro shot to drool over:

Product: Floam

Brand: Nail-Venturous/ Ninja Polish
Collection/Range:  Floam  (Check out the other versions: Girly Floam, Humblebee Floam, Pinkerbell, Sunny Floam and Spooky Floam which is glow-in-the-dark!). 
Colour: Matte neon glitter in clear base
Finish: Slighty gritty
Qty: 15 ml
Price/Availability: $9 (Rs 500 approx). It is not available in India. Can be ordered through Ninja Polish.


  1. Omg it is sooo lovely and I am a fool to not have used it yet. Everytime I see a swatch somewhere, I get floored !!! I will be getting a few similar polishes in Dec but I think I'll put on a top coat..

    1. You might change your mind about the topcoat once you wear this on your nails :)

  2. This polish is so gorgeous. I have it but haven't used it yet. I need to pull it out of the drawer :)

  3. Wow thats pretty cool! It reminds me of the foam floaters you get in swimming pools lol. Love it!

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